4 to 8 of October of 2011
Please find the presentations for the 8th Global RBI conference below.
Use of molecular information for the characterization and conservation of Farm Animal Genetic Resources: results of large scale international projects and perspectives offered by new technologies - Paolo Ajmone Marsan
Animal Genetic Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization: Regional Experiences in Europe - A. Oya AKIN
Sustainable Conservation Of AnGR Through Cooperative Networks - G.L.H.ALDERSON
In vitro Conservation and Preliminary Molecular Characterization of Some Turkish Native Domestic Animal Genetic Resources-I (TURKHAYGEN-I) - Assoc.Prof.Sezen ARAT
Status of Conservation of Farm Animal Genetic Resources in Pakistan - Prof. Dr. Masroor Ellahi Babar
Sustainable Breeding, Farming And Utilization Of Autochthonous Cattle, Sheep And Goat Breeds In Serbia - Vladan Bogdanović1, P. Perišić1, R. Djedović1, S. Stojanović
Population Genetics Of The Island Jersey Cattle Breed: Data, Management And Politics - MW Bruford, GLH Alderson
Milk Yield And Body Weight Of White Maritza Sheep - Doytcho DIMOV
The conservation and utilization of the genetically diverse, native icelandic livestock breeds, with reference to selfsufficiency and national food security - Ólafur R. Dýrmundsson
Reproductive characterization of Black Racka rams - Egerszegi, I., Sarlós, P., Molnár, A., Cseh, S., Rátky, J.
Farm Animal Genetic Diversity And Conservation In Turkiye Mehmet ERTUĞRUL, M. İhsan SOYSAL, A. Oya AKIN
The Global Plan Of Action For Animal Genetic Resources - Irene Hoffmann
Genetic Erosion By Some Breeds In Slovenia In The Last Century - Drago Kompan
Molecular Characterization Of Conserved Some Turkish Native Goat Breeds - B. Çinar Kul, Ö. Korkmaz Ağaoğlu, B. Akyüz, E. Özkan, Ö. Gücüyener, Ö.Özmen, M. Aytaç, O. Ertuğrul
Rare Native Dairy Cattle Breeds: Quo Vadis? E. Martyniuk, N. Saether, J. Krupinski
Trends in methods for genetic evaluations of farm animals and the control of the rates inbreeding - Raphael Mrode
Prp Gene Based Scrapie Susceptibility in Native Turkish Sheep: Do We Need To Introduce a Breeding Program to Select For Resistance to Scrapie in Turkey?- Emel Ozkan, M. İhsan Soysal, Begüm Uzun, Ebru Gokalp, İnci Togan
Haplotype Variation Of Exon 4 Estrogen Receptor-Α Gene In Turkish Sheep Breeds - Özge Özmen, İbrahim Şeker, Bengi Çınar Kul,Okan Ertuğrul
Red Meat Production in a Changing Environment Farming with African Breeds of Livestock – Ramsay
Honamli Goat: Rising Star Of The Taurus Mountains Bekir GÖK, Ahmet Hamdi AKTAŞ, Şükrü DURSUN
Genetic diversity of turkish native sheep in conservation studies- İ Togan, S Demirci, S C Açan, E Koban Baştanlar, H Acar, E Yüncü, C Ayanoğlu, A Parmaksız
The Present Studies On Animal Genetic Resources In Bandirma Sheep Research Station Meut YILDIRIR, Tamer SEZENLER, İsmail ERDOĞAN, M. Akif YÜKSEL, Deniz SOYSA
Local breeds, dispersion and economic roles in the Northeast of Iran - Zakizadeh S., Bokaian J. , H.R. Monazami