By completing every Achievement on each of RuneScape gold the challenges in the Achievement Diary players gain access to a unique Achievement Diary Cape, which they can purchase from Twiggy O'Korn in Draynor Village for 99,000 Coins. Alongside that they will also be rewarded with a hood unique to the cape.
Since the completion of this challenge takes more than 99 levels across a variety of techniques, it's one of the toughest items to obtain in OSRS. The cape provides a +9 bonus to each combat-related stat and the cape comes with ten teleports (rechargeable daily) to every Achievement Diary master. Owners can also cast a special emote which celebrates their accomplishments.
Kourend & Kebos. Main reward: Rada's Blessing 4 - It's to be a shocker that this small scroll is beneficial. Rada's Blessing is the best slot ammunition for prayer bonus that can beat even God's blessings. Additionally, this item gives the player unlimited teleports in Kourned Woodland, two times more drop rate than Xeric Talisman as well as unlimited the possibility of teleporting for Mount Karuul, and many other benefits.
Karamja. Most important reward: Karamja gloves 4 - A pair these gloves could be extremely useful or even mandatory for athletes who want to increase their Agility to 99 in Brimhaven Agility Arena. They grant you an additional +10% of experiences in this zone, which is excellent news for those working on Agility skills since it's one the toughest areas to train in. This isn't the only benefit that is offered to cheap OSRS GP those wearing gloves in this zone. Pressure pads need one less tick to complete that means you can run faster routes. There are many of the benefits that come with this item.